Nothing has changed, except it has

I'm trying to leave behind the frustrations of working out which NBN package by which NBN provider is the best for us, and bringing my focus to writing. It's a lovely rainy afternoon, perfect for burrowing in with some work.

I'm getting into the Weird Adelaide work a bit more all the time. I've already done quite a bit on it, but March and April, post-fringe were supposed to be the months I really immersed myself in the two Adelaide projects I had on--Weird Adelaide and Blackout. I do feel the momentum building to get back into the novel project. As I get back into reading, and remind myself of how it feels to build a story and a world and to have a substantial piece of work that you can come back to and lose yourself in. (Don't forget the times when it's frustrating and overwhelming and you want to throw it all in the bin).

As Adrian warned me, getting the builders back into our project is not as easy as flicking the switch. An early reminder of how ridiculous our Prime Minister's promise (or threat whichever way you want to look at it) of 'snapback' might have been a bit enthusiastic.

I went on strike last night, inwardly and outwardly. I just couldn't stand the thought of cooking another meal. I know there's supposed to be a thing of, 'Everyone eats what's put in front of them' but the food preferences of a middle-aged woman and the food preferences of a young adult who is working on his gains are miles apart. So I'm not making different meals exactly, but I am adding different bits and pieces to different plates. Combined with the strange kitchen I'm working in at the moment, and electric frying pan on this side of the room, a toasted sandwich maker on the other, a convection oven that opens most inconveniently this way, there's a lot more thinking in each meal than I was up for last night. The mister cooked, which meant I ate way later than I wanted to, we all had a meal at a different time, and nothing was how I would have done it ... but it was the best meal I've eaten for months.

The Bold and the Beautiful is on COVID-induced hiatus. Probably not a bad thing. I was starting to use it way too often as an anchor in my day, and with a 4.30 timeslot it meant the end of my working day arrived way too early. Of course you can watch it later, but I can't be bothered setting it up, and anyway it seems to me if you're going to watch a show every day, part of the reason you watch it is for the rhythm it gives to your day.

Okay, well, I'm off to eat a little something and then it's back to work.

The End. Or is it? 
