When does distrust become destructive?

In South Australia we've had a few days in a row with no new cases, and several days throughout the last ten days with no new cases, and there's been such a change of mood, it's already hard to remember the sense of uncertainty from only a few weeks ago.

I've told my year 12 that I'll leave the decision about going back to school up to him. I feel that I distrust our Prime Minister so completely that I can't be objective about anything he says. So when the Prime Minister is so adamant that schools are safe all I can think is, 'Yeah, nah, no way.' Not that I'm completely wrong for my skepticism. This article articulates my reservations, particularly around whether or not there really is any evidence. In my dealings with the Prime Minister, I let my smug-o-meter guide me, and it is up to 9 (out of 11) when I hear him talk about schools. Plus, blagh to a government that has spent decades undermining and devaluing teachers and now speaks of them in terms of their babysitting capabilities.

So, an hour, maybe an hour and a half has passed since I first opened my laptop and started to write, so although I have much more to say I'll leave it here and move along to my next task.

The End. Or is it?
